We believe that a child's imagination needs to be nurtured at a young age. Imagination and creative play should be a big part of the daily lives of little ones. Our products inspire imaginative play and some can even promote positive behaviour along the way!

Our feature product, Fairy Doors, are proving to be not only a beautiful way to inspire imaginative play in children, but a tool for helping children through difficult childhood stages such as sleeping through the night or taking naps, starting school or daycare (or changing schools), moving to another home, coping when a parent is away from home (seperations or loss), potty training, sleeping in one's own room for the first time, (and more). The fairies, from time to time, can leave notes of encouragement for good behaviour, special gifts, rewards, treats, treasures, notes of encouragment to show they've been watching and visiting! (Additionally: emails/ cards/ presents/ treats from long distance family; Grandparents, old friends, etc. are welcomed through the magical door via fairy magic of course!) The fairies might also sneak through your fairy door and play with some toys in your room leaving little footprints of fairy dust behind! The possibilities ~ with magical fairy visits ~ are endless! Children and families all around the world now are having great success with the many childhood stages (along with the friendship, encouragement and excitement) with the positive reinforcement of the 'lil Fairies and their truly unique and magical fairy door! Magical fairy friends right at home (who visit a little bit more ~ when the children are well behaved!... Keep your eyes peeled for hints that your fairies have visited... you never know when they may flutter on in, and stay for a visit!
Our wide assortment of Fairy Doors and lil extras' (miniature accessories) and our tutus, wands, wings and other fabulous fairy dress-up apparel creates is a magical adventure! Welcocme to our website, and please have a look at all of our magical finds.
To learn more about Fairy Doors and creative ways the fairies are bringing beautiful childhood memories to homes worldwide, please take a read about them. (Also visit our Facebook page as well for hundreds of examples of fairy visits at home and to view the inspirational, magical excitement!
Orders in Halifax-Dartmouth (and surrounding areas) can be picked up, and paid for, in Dartmouth. Use the "Comment' section during an online order. (Prices have tax built in). Any of our products can be shipped throughout North America so please tell your friends! (We have a Facebook "Share" button - above the hot pink tool bar- at the top of the page- for sharing on Facebook... we'd really appreciate this if you know other families who may benefit from the fairy magic!